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Campus area network

(also CAN)

Campus area network definition

A campus area network (CAN) is a computer network that interconnects multiple local area networks (LANs) within a limited geographical area. It is larger than a LAN yet smaller than a MAN (metropolitan area network) or a WAN (wide area network). CANs usually consist of multiple buildings and facilities connected through high-speed network links, such as fiber optic cables or wireless connections. They enable connected users and devices to share resources, services, and data. Securing a campus area network is essential to protect sensitive data, maintain network integrity, and ensure uninterrupted services for users.

See also: local area connection, LAN party

Campus area network advantages

  • Fast and reliable network connections across the campus.
  • Simplified, centralized network management.
  • Efficient sharing of resources among users.
  • Easily scalable infrastructure, supporting future growth.
  • A cost-effective alternative to multiple independent networks.

Campus area network disadvantages

  • Complex implementation, management, and design.
  • Increased cybersecurity challenges, especially in large networks.
  • Requires ongoing maintenance and administration.
  • Potential single points of failure.
  • Relies on physical infrastructure.

Securing a campus area network

  • Implement network segmentation and zoning.
  • Enforce strict access control policies.
  • Deploy intrusion detection and prevention systems.
  • Install and configure network firewalls.
  • Encrypt data in transit and at rest.
  • Regularly update software and apply patches.
  • Conduct security awareness and training programs.
  • Develop and test an incident response plan.