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Balada Injector

Also known as: WordPress Injector, JavaScript Injector

Category: Malware

Type: Web malware, backdoor malware, injection-based malware

Platform: WordPress


Damage potential: Creation of backdoors and fake admin accounts, stolen database credentials, malicious redirects, scam notifications


Balada Injector is malware that primarily targets WordPress websites. Active since 2017, this malware exploits both known and newly disclosed vulnerabilities in popular WordPress themes and plugins. After gaining access to the system through the website's soft spots, the attackers inject malicious scripts to create backdoors, steal database credentials, and get long-term access by creating fake admin accounts. Hackers can further exploit the targeted platform by redirecting its users to malicious sites or displaying scam notifications.

The attackers behind Balada Injector use various obfuscation techniques and often change their command-and-control (C2) infrastructure to avoid detection.

Possible symptoms

When Balada Injector is at work, you may notice various anomalies in your WordPress site, including content alterations and entries you don’t recognize. If you’re a WordPress site administrator, you may notice these Balada Injector symptoms:

  • New, unauthorized WordPress administrator accounts.
  • Unusual scripts or code found in theme or plugin files.
  • Modification of core WordPress files.
  • Suspicious files unexpectedly appearing on the server.
  • Increased server load due to backdoor activity.
  • Visitors get redirected to malicious websites, fake tech support pages, or phishing sites.
  • Unusual outbound connections to C2 servers or unknown domains.
  • Malfunction of website elements or their anomalies because of the injected code.

Meanwhile, users can experience the following if Balada Injector has affected your WordPress site:

  1. 1.Redirects to malicious websites.
  2. 2.Abundance of intrusive pop-up scam notifications.
  3. 3.Slow website performance.
  4. 4.Browser warnings urging visitors not to visit the site because it may be malicious.

Sources of infection

Balada Injector infects WordPress sites through plugins, themes, and core vulnerabilities. Attackers can also infect WordPress sites through weak or stolen credentials or unauthorized file uploads.

Third-party service integration can also play a part in spreading Balada Injector. That’s because some custom codes may reveal new vulnerabilities when integrated into a WordPress site.


You can protect yourself from Balada Injector by performing occasional WordPress checkups and following additional security measures.

  • Regularly update WordPress themes, plugins, and core.
  • Use security plugins that will help you detect and block malware infections.
  • Limit file permissions and file editing to prevent unauthorized alterations.
  • Use strong passwords and enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) to prevent cybercriminals from accessing your accounts, even if they stole your passwords.


If you think Balada Injector has infiltrated your WordPress site, you should follow these steps:

  • Put your website in maintenance mode before cleanup to prevent data damage or leaks.
  • Back up your WordPress files and databases so you can restore the site to its current state after malware cleanup.
  • Scan your site's files and databases for malicious scripts, unusual entries, and backdoors using WordPress security plugins.
  • Inspect theme and plugin files for injected codes.
  • Compare core WordPress files with the original ones from to check for any changes.
  • Check the "wp-content/uploads" directory for suspicious files and delete them if you find any.
  • Check for unauthorized admin accounts and delete them.
  • Update your WordPress core, themes, and plugins to the latest version.
  • Reset all passwords with strong new ones and enable multi-factor authentication (MFA).
  • Reinstall all your plugins and themes from the original sources.

If you suspect you’ve visited a WordPress site infected with Balada Injector, you should:

  1. 1.Use a reputable antivirus program to perform a full system scan and remove detected threats.
  2. 2.Clear your browser cache and cookies to remove any harmful data caught from the infected WordPress site.
  3. 3.Change your password to any accounts you’ve visited while your computer may have been infected with Balada Infector.
  4. 4.Updated your software.
  5. 5.Monitor your accounts and devices for unusual activity.