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Password protection

(also a file-storing service)

Password protection definition

Password protection is an access control mechanism that prevents unauthorized access to computer systems and data by validating user identity through authentication. Only authorized users with the proper credentials, such as usernames and passwords, can access the online data. Some organizations implement password protection policies that prevent people from using weak passwords and commonly used variations, as well as employ specialized software for password protection to keep sensitive data safe. The password protection mechanism is a substantial security measure against different hacking methods.

See also: antivirus, unauthorized access

Password hacking methods

  • Brute force attacks. A technique that uses trial and error to hack passwords and login credentials.
  • Credential stuffing. The automatic use of stolen usernames and passwords to access online accounts.
  • Dictionary attacks. Hacking a password by entering every word from a dictionary, using leaked passwords and key phrases, and using derivatives of the dictionary words.
  • Keylogging. Using a software program to track keyboard strokes and steal vulnerable data like credentials, credit card numbers, and PINs.
  • Malware. Malicious software that harms computer systems and steals passwords.
  • Password spraying. Using one password against many accounts to avoid locating where exactly the security threat is.
  • Phishing. A method in which hackers appear as reliable sources, such as banks and other legitimate institutions, and trick users into revealing their credentials.

Preventing password hackers

  • Use strong and unique passwords for all accounts.
  • Don’t click on links or attachments sent from unknown sources in your email.
  • Avoid accessing personal data on public Wi-Fi networks.
  • Use antivirus and anti malware software on every device.
  • Utilize two-factor authentication.
  • Avoid using the same password for all accounts.
  • Enable login alerts.
  • Use biometric authentication (fingerprint and facial recognition) when possible.
  • Use a password manager.