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(also abnormal end)

ABEND definition

An ABEND occurs when a computer program or system unexpectedly fails or stops working. It happens when the program encounters an error or condition it cannot handle, which results in an abrupt halt.

ABENDs can be caused by software bugs, hardware malfunctions, or external factors that disrupt the normal execution of the program.

ABENDs can have significant consequences, disrupting regular operations and causing problems such as data corruption, loss of unsaved work, or system instability. Moreover, ABENDs can lead to significant disruptions and economic failures in critical systems like financial institutions or transportation networks.

Due to this, identifying and resolving ABENDs is essential for maintaining system reliability. Software developers and system administrators use diagnostic tools and logs to analyze the causes of ABENDs and apply appropriate fixes. Proper error handling, robust exception handling mechanisms, and thorough testing procedures are crucial to reducing ABEND occurrences and ensuring stable program execution.

Organizations can reduce risks, improve system performance, and ensure smooth operations by effectively addressing ABENDs. This helps protect data integrity, prevent costly disruptions, and maintain overall system stability.

Continuous monitoring, proactive maintenance, and a strong focus on error management are critical factors in minimizing the impact of ABENDs and ensuring the strength of the entire system.

See also: control structure, proactive defense

Ways to prevent ABENDs

  • Input validation
  • Regular updates and patches
  • Effective error handling
  • Defensive programming techniques
  • Proper memory management
  • Thorough testing and quality assurance
  • Code reviews
  • Monitoring and logging mechanisms