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Web server security

Web server security definition

Web server security is a set of measures taken to protect data stored on a web server from unauthorized access. It enforces a security policy on an online server. A web server refers to any web hosted on a server. The underlying operating system (OS), hosted application, and network security layers commonly implement a web server. The essential parts and services of a web server are run by the operating system, hence the importance of secure access. Web server content and services can be managed with precision thanks to application layer security.

Benefits of web server security:

  • Data protection. Secure your web server to protect important data like customer data, company secrets, financial data, and more.
  • Preventing attacks. Protecting your web server from hackers is crucial. Hackers can access your data or server by exploiting system flaws. Your website may be shut down by denial-of-service attacks.
  • Ensuring compliance. Web server security regulations vary by industry. Companies operating in the healthcare sector, for instance, are subject to the HIPAA privacy and security rules.
  • Protection against malware. Web server security helps prevent malware and viruses. Malicious software can infect and damage your system. They can steal data or attack other systems.
  • Keeping a website running. Securing your web server helps maintain website performance. This is crucial for e-commerce businesses that rely on website revenue to cover running costs.
  • Increased reliability. Safer web servers are more reliable. They are less likely to be hacked or shut down.
  • Improved SEO. Protecting your web server may boost search engine rankings. Google ranks websites, in part, based on security.

Web server vulnerabilities:

  • SQL injection attacks. SQL injection is a common and dangerous way to attack a database and take control of it. The name comes from the fact that a hacker adds a SQL statement (malicious payloads) to the database.
  • DoS attacks. DoS attacks aim to disable a server or network resource. DoS attacks flood a server or network resource with traffic, making it inaccessible to users.
  • Cross-Site scripting. Cross-site scripting (XSS) exploits browser vulnerabilities to attack website users. The user's session, normally gained by sending cookies to the server, runs this code.

Tips on keeping a web server safe:

  • Using strong and complex passwords for web server management tools
  • Using secure protocols and ciphers
  • Keeping your web server updated