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Home SSL VPN (Secure socket layer virtual private network)

SSL VPN (Secure socket layer virtual private network)

SSL VPN (Secure socket layer virtual private network) definition

SSL VPN (Secure socket layer virtual private network) is a unique type of VPN. Unlike traditional VPNs, it provides a secure connection through the web browser that needs special software installed on the device.

See also: VPN token

SSL VPN use cases:

  • Remote access for company employees: SSL VPNs let employees securely access their company’s network and assets from out-of-the-office locations, like home Wi-Fi networks.
  • Secure access to the web apps: Often, businesses use SSL VPNs for remote access to web-based applications. That way, employees can interact with sensitive applications and CRM systems securely.
  • Business partner and client access: This type of VPN can grant limited access to external business partners. That way, they can interact with the information without exposing the network to security risks.