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Root Node

Root node definition

A root node is the top node in a tree data structure. In computer science, many things are organized in tree structures, and the root node is where it all begins.

Think of it as the trunk of a tree from which all branches emerge. Everything else in that tree comes down from the root.

See also: node, exit node, mesh node, relay node, Merkle tree, entry node

Here's a breakdown of the root node:

Tree Data Structure: Trees are hierarchical data structures with a top-down approach with linked nodes. Trees are used in situations where data has inherent hierarchical relationships. For example, folders and files in a file system or nodes in an XML document.

Root Node: This is the topmost node of the tree. A tree has exactly one root node. It serves as the starting point for many operations on the tree, such as traversals or searches.

Child Nodes: Nodes that connect to another node in a downward direction. For example, in a binary tree, a node can have at most two children (a left and right child).

Leaf Node: Nodes that do not have any children.

Parent Node: For every node in the tree other than the root, one other node directly connects to it in an upward direction. This node is called its parent.