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Right to object

Right to object definition

The right to object allows individuals to refuse the processing of their personal data, particularly for purposes like direct marketing or research. It requires organizations to cease using personal information if an individual objects unless there are compelling and overriding legitimate grounds.

See also: data subject

Examples of the right to object

  1. 1.A customer discovers a company is using their purchase history for direct marketing. They exercise their right to object and obligate the company to stop this data use.
  2. 2.An individual learns that data is part of a market research project. They use their right to object, forcing the research entity to remove their data from the study.
  3. 3.Upon receiving fundraising calls from a non-profit using their contact details, a person objects. The organization must then cease using their data for fundraising.
  4. 4.A user finds their online activity is analyzed for targeted advertising. Invoking their right to object, the user demands the cessation of such data processing.
  5. 5.A bank customer learns their transaction data is used for credit risk profiling. They assert their right to object, and the bank must discontinue this use of their data.