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Home RC5


(also parameterized block cipher)

RC5 definition

RC5 is a symmetric-key block cipher. The RC5 block cipher algorithm works on fixed-size data blocks, usually 32, 64, or 128 bits, and uses variable length keys. The RC5 algorithm was known for its security and flexibility, but its cryptanalysis advancement led to the discovery of its vulnerabilities and raised concerns about its overall protection. Due to that and the emergence of more robust encryption algorithms, modern cryptography systems, and networks chose alternatives like AES or ChaCha20, which are more secure against various attacks.

See also: encrypted file transfer, creepware

Key RC5 applications

  • Disk encryption: RC5 was widely used in storage devices and hard drives in order to secure data by encrypting it.
  • Data encryption: Rivest Cipher 5 was used for sensitive data encryption in various applications in order to provide more privacy.
  • Virtual private networks (VPNs): For secure data transmission between servers and clients, RC5 was utilized in various VPN implementations.
  • Secure messaging: To enable more confidentiality, RC5 has been used in messaging applications for message encryption to deliver secure communications.
  • Legacy systems: Back in the day, legacy systems employed RC5 for lightweight encryption.