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(also Qakbot, QuackBot, Pinkslipbot)

Qbot definition

Qbot is a type of Trojan virus that can infect devices with malware. By doing so, Qbot can get into a network or system without the users knowing by acting just like the network or system normally would.

By using some external functions and other attacks, attackers can also spread Qbot once they successfully put it on a device. Also, they can create the Qbot in a way that allows it to avoid detection and debugging easily and install even more malware on the infected system.

Usually, attackers set up Qbot through phishing attacks. Phishing attacks are email attacks via which attackers send phishing emails to people. Phishing emails have attachments, documents, and other similar data that can infect a device with malware if a person clicks on them. Also, attackers can spread a Qbot virus through a dropper like Emotet.

Not only does Qbot allow attackers to steal banking information, but it also enables them to access browser cookies, spy on banking activities, record keystrokes, and steal messages between banks and users.

See also: anti-phishing service, Banker Trojan

Qbot protection

  • Installing software that protects devices against cybersecurity threats. There are many different cybersecurity-protection solutions that banks can use to protect their devices against cyberattacks. All devices used in banks should have such solutions installed so they're better protected and harder to hack.
  • Spam and phishing filters. Installing spam and phishing filters is also a good way to protect devices against Qbot viruses. Since Qbot is usually distributed through phishing emails, having such protection is important for all banks.
  • Threat protection. Threat protection software for emails is another protection method banks can use to further secure their email accounts. They can analyze incoming emails and warn users about risky attachments or documents.