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Private proxy

(also dedicated proxy)

Private proxy definition

A private proxy, also known as a dedicated proxy, is a type of proxy server designated for a single user's exclusive use. Unlike shared proxies, private proxies offer unique IP addresses not shared with other users. This provides greater security, speed, and reliability since the resources are not spread out among multiple users.

See also: caching proxy, HTTP proxy, transparent proxy

Private proxy examples

  • Social media management: Private proxies enable social media managers to manage multiple accounts and perform actions like posting, following, and liking without raising suspicion or triggering account restrictions.
  • Online gaming: Gamers use private proxies to reduce lag, protect against DDoS attacks, and even access geo-restricted games.

Advantages and disadvantages of private proxies


  • High performance: Since the resources are not shared, they typically offer higher speed and better stability.
  • Security: The exclusive use enhances the security as the data isn't mixed with other users' data.


  • Cost: Private proxies are typically more expensive than their shared counterparts due to the dedicated resources.

Using private proxies

  • Ensure you're getting a truly private proxy, not a shared one disguised as private.