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Caching proxy

Caching proxy definition

A caching proxy is a type of proxy server that caches (stores) frequently requested web pages, files, or other resources on the server's memory. When a client requests a resource, the caching proxy checks if it has a copy of that resource in its storage. If it does, it can significantly reduce the amount of network traffic and improve the response time for subsequent requests.

Caching proxies are commonly used in organizations to reduce the load on their network and to provide faster access to frequently accessed resources. They can also be used by ISPs to provide faster access to frequently accessed websites and reduce the amount of bandwidth used by their customers.

See also: DNS query, DNS record, DNS resolution

Disadvantages of caching proxies

  • Increased storage requirements. Cached resources need storage space, which can be significant if the proxy serves a large number of clients or if the resources are large in size.
  • Stale content. Cached resources may become outdated over time, which can lead to clients receiving old content, making it a significant problem for frequently updated websites.
  • Privacy concerns. Caching proxies have the potential to log user activity and may be used to track user behavior or collect sensitive information.
  • Configuration complexity. Setting up and configuring a caching proxy may require significant technical expertise.