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Home Port 80

Port 80

(also HTTP port)

Port 80 definition

Port 80 is the default network port for web servers using HTTP. It operates on the application layer of the TCP/IP networking model and serves as the communication gateway for HTTP requests and responses between client computers and servers.

Whenever a web browser requests a web page from a server, it typically uses Port 80.

However, Port 80 is often a target for cyberattacks, including unauthorized access, data interception, and other malicious activities. Due to this, it’s essential to secure Port 80 and monitor and control the traffic passing through it.

See also: Booter, Remote Attack

Importance of Port 80 security

  • Port 80 manages standard HTTP traffic, making its security critical for web applications.
  • Securing Port 80 prevents cybercriminals from intercepting or manipulating transmitted data.
  • Organizations can prevent unauthorized access to networks and systems by securing Port 80.
  • Monitoring Port 80 can detect and mitigate suspicious traffic patterns that indicate DDoS attacks.

Protecting against Port 80 attacks

  • Set up a firewall to monitor, control, and log all incoming and outgoing traffic.
  • Switch to HTTPS (operates on port 443 and uses SSL/TLS for encryption).
  • Use IDS to detect suspicious activities or violations.
  • Keep your server software up to date.
  • Monitor traffic to detect any unusual activity that may indicate a possible attack.
  • Use a content delivery network (CDN).