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Network slicing

Network slicing definition

Network slicing refers to a type of network architecture that allows for the creation of multiple virtual networks on top of a common shared physical infrastructure. In 5G networks, it enables splitting of a single physical network into several virtual networks, each tailored to specific types of services or for specific customers.

However, allocating network resources to one slice, means taking something from another. In theory, network slicing can even be used for data throttling. That’s why security, interference possibilities, and compliance must be considered when using network slicing.

See also: mobile network operator, mobile ad hoc network

How can network slicing be used:

  • IoT services. It’s ideal for Internet of Things (IoT) applications which may require different network specifications. For example, a network slice for IoT devices in smart cities may require low bandwidth but high device connectivity, while a slice for autonomous vehicles would require high bandwidth and low latency.
  • Enterprise services. Businesses may benefit from network slicing by having a dedicated network slice that meets their specific needs in terms of speed, capacity, and security.
  • Consumer services. Network providers can create specific slices for various consumer services such as high-speed internet, mobile gaming, and streaming services, each with its unique requirement.
  • Public safety and emergency services. A dedicated network slice can be created for emergency services, ensuring they have reliable and fast network connectivity even during times of network congestion.