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Home Mobile proxy

Mobile proxy

(also 3G/4G/5G proxy, smartphone proxy)

Mobile proxy definition

A mobile proxy refers to a variant of proxy servers leveraging IP addresses allocated to mobile gadgets by mobile ISPs. This kind of proxy directs a user's web traffic via a mobile apparatus linked to a cellular network, giving the user the anonymousness associated with a proxy, and making it seem as if they're conducting their browsing activities from a mobile device.

See also: caching proxy, HTTP proxy, transparent proxy

Mobile proxy examples

  • 5G proxies: These mobile proxies use IP addresses from 5G devices. They provide extremely fast internet speeds and are highly reliable.
  • 4G proxies: These mobile proxies use IP addresses from 4G devices. They offer high reliability and fast speeds.
  • 3G proxies: These mobile proxies use IP addresses from 3G devices. They are slower than 4G and 5G proxies but are still commonly used.

Comparing mobile proxies to residential proxies

Both mobile proxies and residential proxies offer high authenticity and a lower risk of being blocked as compared to data center proxies. However, mobile proxies have the added advantage of impersonating mobile users, which is beneficial for tasks like ad verification and social media automation.

Pros and cons of mobile proxies


  • High legitimacy and low block rate.
  • Ability to mimic a mobile user.


  • Generally costlier than other types of proxies.
  • Availability can be limited.

Using mobile proxies safely

  • Select a reputable mobile proxy provider.
  • Use responsibly to avoid IP flagging or blocking.