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Home Mobile Application Security Testing

Mobile Application Security Testing

(also MAST)

Mobile application security testing definition 

Mobile application security testing (MAST) refers to the process of assessing mobile apps to identify security vulnerabilities. MAST ensures that the application is secure against threats and adheres to security best practices. It involves a combination of automated tools and manual testing techniques to evaluate the app's security.

See also: Operational testing, Stress testing

How does mobile application security testing work? 

  1. 1.Planning and preparation. The first step is to define the app’s scope by determining its components, gathering information, and setting objectives, such as detecting specific types of vulnerabilities or ensuring compliance with certain standards.
  2. 2.Static analysis (SAST). This includes reviewing the source code to identify insecure coding practices, hard-coded secrets, and insufficient input validation.
  3. 3.Dynamic analysis (DAST). It involves running the applications and testing security issues in different scenarios. For example, it’s appropriate to test for SQL injections, XSS, and insecure API calls. 
  4. 4.Interactive application security testing (IAST). It combines the SAST and DAST elements by monitoring the app's behavior and checking it against the source code. 
  5. 5.Manual testing. Manual testing includes penetration testing, reviewing user permissions, and testing encryption. 
  6. 6.Network security testing. It’s crucial to ensure that sensitive data is always protected inside the newtork and the APIs are secure.