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Operational testing

(also OPS testing)

Operational testing definition

Operational testing is a phase of software testing. During it, the developer checks if the software works well in the real-world conditions it's meant for. This process ensures that the software is ready for deployment and use. It also verifies its stability and compatibility with the real-world environment in which it will operate.

During operational testing, the developers run their software in conditions that closely mimic its intended environment. The process includes testing the software with actual hardware, network configurations, other related systems, and, eventually, real users. All of this helps developers to identify any issues that might arise post-deployment.

See also: fuzz testing, stress testing, secure software development lifecycle

Advantages of operational testing

  • Gives a realistic view of how the software will perform in the real world.
  • Identifies potential issues so the developers can fix them before any impact on end-users.
  • Including real users offers valuable insights into use cases and features developers hadn't considered themselves.
  • Confirms that the software is compatible with other apps on the same system.

Disadvantages of operational testing

  • Requires the developers to have a setup that closely mimics the production environment, which can be costly.
  • It's a long process that could significantly postpone the software's launch day.
  • Some aspects of operational testing might overlap with other testing phases, taking up even more time.