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Home IP address blocking

IP address blocking

(also IP blocking, IP banning)

IP Address blocking definition

IP address blocking, or simply IP blocking, is a method of limiting access to certain websites and applications to specific IPs. Websites use this method to restrict access to specific individuals depending on factors like their geography and the reliability of their IP address. IP blocking is done to prevent malicious sites and hosts from connecting to the server or node and having a negative impact on the network or individual computers. Services often implement IP blocking to safeguard against infiltration, facilitate remote access, and regulate the behaviors of users on their platform.

Reasons to block IP addresses:

  • Hackers. Most hackers want to get their hands on business secrets or other private information. If they have access, they could steal credit card information or valuable information or cause a ransomware attack to shut down a business.
  • Bots. They infect PCs to increase attacks. They send spam, try to guess passwords, etc.
  • Confidential data. An enterprise network administrator may restrict all accounting PCs for security. These PCs allow connections from IP addresses within a specific range to do so systematically. Administrators block all other addresses.
  • Criminal activity. Various services ban IP addresses that have been involved in illegal trade or dark web activities.

Tips on bypassing IP blocking:

  • Using a proxy server. Proxy servers work as mediators, sharing their internet connection with other computers. Websites restricting IPs and people seeking access to them utilize proxy servers. A proxy server can provide a new IP address if your current one blocks certain sites or apps.
  • Using a Tor browser. The Onion Router's open-source browser routes traffic through a relay network. It hides your identity by bouncing data across the world.