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Edge network

Edge network definition

An edge network is a decentralized approach to computation. In edge networking data is processed near the source. Sources include local computing devices, IoT devices, or edge servers closer to the end-user. Edge networking increases response times, reduces transmission costs, and improves privacy and resilience.

See also: customer edge router, edge security, distributed network

The main advantages of an edge network:

  • Edge networks reduce latency. Processing data closer to the source decreases the time it takes for data to travel. It's critical for real-time applications like self-driving cars, augmented reality, and online gaming.
  • Edge networks boost bandwidth efficiency. Transmitting vast amounts of data to a centralized data center is resource-intensive. Edge networks reduce the need to send all this data back and forth, saving bandwidth.
  • Improved reliability and resilience. Edge networks can operate even if there's a failure in the central server. This decentralization makes systems more resilient to certain types of failures.
  • More privacy and security. Processing data locally reduces the exposure of sensitive information. With an edge network, information isn't always sent to the central network.