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Domain hijacking

(also domain theft)

Domain hijacking definition

Domain hijacking is a cyber attack that occurs when an attacker takes over a domain by exploiting vulnerabilities in domain hosting and registrar systems or by directing phishing or other social engineering attacks against the domain owner.

Once the attacker gains control of the domain, they can alter its DNS (Domain Name System) settings, transfer it to a different registrar, or change the ownership details.

If your domain has been hijacked, contact the domain registrar and provide evidence of unauthorized access. The registrar will guide you through the recovery process, which typically involves verifying ownership and restoring control over the domain.

See also: Domain, Domain admin, DNS hijacking

The dangers of domain hijacking

Domain hijacking can lead to various malicious activities, including:

  • Unauthorized website control. Hijackers can replace the original website content with their own or use it for phishing attacks, distributing malware, or engaging in other illegal activities.
  • Email interception. By controlling the domain, hijackers can intercept email communication associated with that domain, potentially compromising sensitive information or facilitating further cyber attacks.
  • Brand damage. Domain hijacking can negatively impact a brand's reputation, as the hijacked domain may be used to spread false information or engage in fraudulent activities.