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Home DNS SPF record

DNS SPF record

(also SPF record, Sender Policy Framework record)

DNS SPF record definition

A DNS SPF record is a type of DNS TXT record that is an integral part of a domain’s DNS. A DNS SPF record contains a list of all the authorized IP addresses and hostnames that can send emails on behalf of a certain domain. So with a DNS SPF record, you can create a list with all the IP addresses and hostnames authorized to send emails on behalf of your company’s domain. That way, you can ensure that only verified users will use your name to send emails to others. For example, you can authorize devices, like your work computers and phones, or you can authorize names, or both.

A DNS SPF is crucial for organizations that work with people who only accept emails from addresses with SPF. If you try to send an email to an address that requires a DNS SPF record without having your own DNS SPF record, your email will be flagged as spam, and you’ll make it onto the recipient’s spam list. Also, in some cases, your emails won’t even go through.

See also: email spoofing, anti-phishing service

DNS SPF record use cases

Avoiding and stopping cyberattacks. A DNS SPF record makes it more difficult for attackers to copy a domain, preventing attackers from conducting cyberattacks such as phishing, email spoofing, and spamming.

Complying with DMARC. DMARC is a validation system that helps organizations and individuals ensure that emails are sent by authorized users only. According to DMARC policies, emails that don’t have a DNS SPF record should be either flagged as spam, delivered, or rejected.

Delivering emails. A DNS SPF record can help you to reduce or completely avoid getting your emails flagged as spam. Also, it will prevent your emails from bouncing back.