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Home DNS NS record

DNS NS record

(also nameserver record)

DNS NS record definition

A DNS NS record is a type of DNS record that holds the name of the authoritative nameserver on a certain domain or DNS zone. It allows you to find out the name of the servers that offer DNS services for a certain domain name. So, with a DNS NS record, you can find out which server is the designated DNS server for a certain domain name. DNS NS records also allow devices and users to find the IP addresses of specific sites, apps, and other web content.

Without DNS NS records, you won’t be able to conduct DNS queries or DNS requests because there will be no way for you to find the authoritative DNS server of the site you’re trying to reach or communicate with. In addition, DNS NS records allow systems to communicate with one another through a network. Moreover, DNS NS records allow people to reach your services by using DNS names. So, DNS NS records are critical for all organizations. The only time you won’t need a DNS NS record is if a user already has your IP address and searches for your site by using the IP address.

See also: DNS server, hostname

DNS NS record functions

Specifying DNS servers. A DNS NS record is used to specify which is the primary and the secondary DNS server in a specific DNS zone. The primary DNS server resolves a DNS zone’s name into an IP address, while the secondary DNS server returns the IP address of the host that is associated with a certain domain name.

Enabling DNS servers to function. DNS servers cannot function as they should without having their own DNS NS record.