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Distorting proxy

Distorting proxy definition

Distorting proxy refers to a type of proxy server that masks the client's IP address by modifying the HTTP headers and presents a fake IP address to the target server. It is often used to enhance privacy, add a layer of anonymity, and limit the ability to monitor the user’s browsing activity.

See also: caching proxy, http proxy, transparent proxy, proxy surfing

How does a distorting proxy work?

  1. 1.Client request. When a browser or application client makes a request to a website, the request is sent to the distorting proxy server instead of directly to the target server.
  2. 2.Modifying HTTP header. The distorting proxy server receives the client's request and modifies the HTTP headers such as changing the client's IP address in the “X-Forwarded-For” or “Via” header field.
  3. 3.Forwarding the request. The distorting proxy forwards the request to the target server.
  4. 4.Response relay. After the server responds with the requested data, the proxy relays the response back to the client, ensuring that the client's real IP address remains hidden.

Distorting proxy benefits

  • Cashing. They can be used for cashing, or storing data in a cache for quicker access. It helps users enjoy faster website loading with less bandwidth used.
  • A layer of anonymity. While advanced tracking measures can still trace the user’s real IP address, distorting proxies provide a high level of privacy and anonymity.