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10 reasons to use a VPN at work

You don’t want hackers breaking into your device and using it as the access point to your company’s networks. At the same time, you’d probably also be happier if your bosses couldn’t track and limit your every move while working. Is there a compromise for security and privacy? Yes: it’s called a VPN. Here’s why you need it.

10 reasons to use a VPN at work

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Do you need a VPN at work?

Yes, a VPN at work is necessary. It is an extra layer of security online that encrypts your browsing traffic. A VPN keeps company secrets inside the network, makes working from home safe, and protects your online activities from snoopers.

Your work environment is where you’re most likely to handle sensitive data while connected to the internet. Cybercriminals know that every employee is a potential gateway into the rest of the company. If your device is compromised, it could be used to commit a cybercrime against your company. VPN is a simple solution.

10 reasons to use a VPN at work

Here are 10 reasons why a VPN at work is a must:

1. Bypass web filtering imposed by your company

While we don’t encourage procrastination and slacking, sometimes it is healthy to get your mind off of work by watching a funny video or scrolling through Facebook. But some employers might think otherwise and block all potentially distracting websites.

However, you can bypass all this filtering with a VPN at work. Companies usually blocklist their IP addresses for certain websites so they can’t open them. But a VPN server can change your IP address and encrypt your traffic. In this case, a restricted website won’t be blocked, and you will be able to access its content.

2. Protect your online privacy from snoopers

A VPN is an excellent tool to stay safe from prying eyes. No matter who it is — a hacker, your internet provider, a snoopy boss, or some third party — you don’t want someone looking over your shoulder when you’re online.

While your work may have a corporate VPN connection, your employer might still know what you do by having remote access to your work device or using monitoring tools. However, you can install a VPN on your own device, avoid such monitoring, and stay safe at the same time. You can also use it on your work device, but it may not protect you from some local monitoring tools.

3. Protect your device if you use BYOD

If you use your own device at work, you can avoid relying on a corporate VPN and have your own independent protection. The BYOD (bring your own device) policy is getting increasingly popular, so using a VPN will ensure that your private information and your company’s data remain safe.

4. Access your files from anywhere

Sometimes when you travel abroad for business or if you’re operating remotely, specific websites may not be available where you are. A country can block some web services for geopolitical or censorship purposes. If you’re working from another country, a VPN service can help you in two key ways:

  1. The VPN encryption will protect you and your company’s data from hackers who often prey on tourists using unsecured connections.
  2. If your company’s security systems only allow access from within your home country, you can just pick a server and bypass the block.

5. Feel safe while working remotely

Temporarily switching up things by moving your workplace to a cafe or local library is healthy. However, most public places use unsafe public Wi-Fi connections. And a VPN can protect your remote work, encrypt your traffic, and ensure that no one can snoop on you. When you connect to Wi-Fi with a VPN, you already have protection in place, so you don’t need to worry about the security of a specific hotspot.

NordVPN also has a Threat Protection Pro feature that can be useful in securing your remote work. It helps you identify malware-ridden downloads, stops you from landing on malicious websites, and blocks trackers and intrusive ads on the spot. NordVPN also comes with Meshnet, a feature that lets you remotely access other devices through encrypted tunnels, allowing you to work safely from home.

6. Avoid bandwidth throttling

Sometimes your internet service provider (ISP) will slow down your internet speed for certain activities to save bandwidth across their network. They usually do this for:

  • Large downloads.
  • Streaming activities.
  • Video calls.
  • Online gaming.

But with a VPN, you can hide your activity, so your ISP won’t be able to see what you do online. If they can’t see what you’re doing, they can’t slow your internet down based on your activities. NordVPN also offers the superfast NordLynx protocol, so you can be sure you will always have the fastest VPN experience.

7. Protect your business communications

Whatever business you run, it will probably involve handling confidential or sensitive information. But when this data travels across the web unprotected, it’s an easy catch for hackers and cybercriminals. A VPN will protect your business data, avoiding embarrassing and costly breaches.

8. Protect your staff while working remotely

Nowadays, your company’s staff can be scattered all over the globe. A VPN helps to ensure that they all stay safe. You can create a corporate VPN network that all employees can safely connect to. This can also act as an authentication system for centralized company systems, databases, or other services where sensitive information is stored.

9. Protect all your networks at once

Instead of installing a VPN app on every device in your office, you can just install it on your router and protect your whole network at once. This is a simple and instantaneous security solution as employees return to the office after working from home.

If you run a business, check our B2B oriented NordLayer app. It will provide you with great functionality to make your work safer and smoother.

10. Get notifications about leaked data

Many premium VPNs have additional security features to provide even more protection to your sensitive company data. One such tool is the Dark Web Monitor, which runs in the background and prevents hackers from exploiting your personal information leaked to the dangerous dark web. It scans the depths of the web for leaks and notifies you if any sensitive data is detected, so you can take action to protect the vulnerable data.

Other ways to increase your cybersecurity at work

Besides all the VPN benefits, there are other security measures that you should consider to protect yourself or your employees at work:

Meshnet for team projects

Meshnet is perfect for team projects and a handy tool when your team is located in different countries. You can connect devices to a single network as if they were working from the same Wi-Fi network. Moreover, Meshnet provides an encrypted tunnel that lets you send data securely. This is especially convenient when working on a joint project from different parts of the world.

Use a password manager

Use a password manager to store your complex and unique passwords for each online account. Applications like Nordpass let you sync your logins across multiple devices and securely access them anytime. It protects your data and prevents bad actors from peeking at it without your permission.

Keep your software up to date

It is essential to occasionally update your antivirus software and operating system to reduce the risk of security vulnerabilities and keep yourself safe at the workplace. Regularly updated software is more resilient to the latest cybersecurity threats and malware.

Educate your employees

One of the cornerstones of your workplace cybersecurity is education. Phishing scams and malware can hide behind suspicious email messages or attachments. Learn to distinguish phishing emails, and never click on links or download files from questionable sources.

Online security starts with a click.

Stay safe with the world’s leading VPN