Sovereign cloud definition
Sovereign cloud is a type of cloud computing service that operates under specific regulatory, security, and data sovereignty requirements of a particular region (typically a country). Data (including metadata) in a sovereign cloud is protected from foreign access and stored in a way that complies with local laws.
Sovereign clouds address concerns about data sovereignty — the legal concept that data should be subject to the laws and governance structures of the country it is located in. Governments are often reluctant to store critical data in foreign-owned cloud services to protect national secrets and avoid espionage.
See also: data sovereignty, data protection policy
Examples of sovereign cloud initiatives
- Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing arm of Alibaba Group, operates data centers and cloud services specifically designed to meet the requirements of the Chinese government.
- Microsoft offers Azure Government, a cloud platform tailored to the needs (including FedRAMP and DoD Impact Level 5 requirements) of US government agencies, local governments, and partners.
- Secure Swiss Data operates data centers in Switzerland and offers cloud services designed to meet Swiss data protection laws.
- The Russian company SII (Sovzond Informational & Intellectual Systems) offers cloud services that prioritize data sovereignty and compliance with Russian data protection laws.
- AUCloud is an Australian sovereign cloud provider that offers services for government and critical infrastructure organizations.
- IDCloudHost offers cloud hosting and related services to businesses and organizations in Indonesia.