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Short Message Peer-to-Peer

(also SMPP)

Short Message Peer-to-Peer definition

Short Message Peer-to-Peer (SMPP) is a protocol for exchanging messages between SMS centers (SMSCs) and entities like mobile companies or app providers. It is a standardized protocol necessary for secure and efficient delivery of SMS messages.

See also: session layer, two-factor authentication

How Short Message Peer-to-Peer works

  1. 1.SMPP operates over TCP/IP connections. To begin, a client (e.g., an app or messaging platform) establishes a connection with an SMPP server.
  2. 2.Once connected, the client sends a “bind” request to the server, providing a username and password. The server checks the credentials and either accepts or rejects the request.
  3. 3.Once the bind operation is successful, the client can start sending and receiving SMS messages. Messages are sent in a format that includes data about the sender, recipient, message content, and other parameters.
  4. 4.SMPP provides delivery receipts and status updates (e.g., message delivered, failed, or pending).
  5. 5.When the communication session is complete, the client can send an “unbind” request to disconnect or just cut the connection.

SMPP use cases

  • Two-factor authentication (2FA). Many online services use SMPP to send 2FA security codes via SMS.
  • Bulk messaging. Organizations use SMPP to send promo offers or event reminders to large audiences.
  • Emergency alerts. Governments and emergency services use SMPP to send alerts to the public during critical events.
  • IoT communication. SMPP can be used to send status updates, alerts, and commands between smart devices and apps.
  • A2P (application-to-person) messaging. Apps and services send SMS messages to users for things like appointment reminders and order confirmations.