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Server redundancy

(also redundant server, server replication)

Server redundancy definition

Server redundancy is a technique employing numerous servers to hold identical data and execute the same tasks, guaranteeing uninterrupted service operations in the event of a server malfunction. Server redundancy minimizes downtime risks, boosts fault tolerance, and elevates system performance through the distribution of workloads among several servers.

See also: data center rack

Server redundancy examples

  • Load balancing: Distributing network traffic across multiple servers to ensure that no single server is overwhelmed, thereby increasing system performance and reliability.
  • Failover: A backup server takes over when the primary server fails, minimizing downtime and service disruption.
  • Mirroring: Creating real-time copies of data across multiple servers, ensuring that the same data is available on all servers for quick recovery during a failure.

Server redundancy vs. backup

Server redundancy and backups serve different purposes. Redundancy aims to maintain service availability and minimize downtime, whereas backups are a means of data recovery in case of data loss or corruption. Redundant servers help prevent service disruptions, while backups restore data after a disruption has occurred.

Pros and cons of server redundancy


  • Improved fault tolerance and reduced downtime.
  • Increased system performance through load distribution.
  • Enhanced data protection and reliability.


  • Increased costs for hardware, maintenance, and energy.
  • Complex implementation and management.
  • Potential for data inconsistency if not properly synchronized.

Server redundancy tips

  • Implement a combination of load balancing, failover, and mirroring strategies for optimal redundancy.
  • Regularly monitor and maintain redundant servers to ensure they are functioning correctly.