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Semantic network

(also Knowledge graph)

Semantic network definition

A semantic network is a structured representation of knowledge that connects concepts using nodes and links. Nodes represent individual concepts, while links depict the relationships between them.

See also: network segment

History of semantic network

Semantic networks have a history dating back to the early days of artificial intelligence research in the 1950s and 1960s. Pioneers like Ross Quillian and Allan Collins introduced the concept of hierarchical structures connecting concepts based on relationships.

In the 1970s, knowledge representation languages and frame-based systems further advanced the field. The 1980s saw practical implementations like the Semantic Network Processing System (SEMPER) for natural language processing.

Over time, semantic networks found applications in expert systems, information retrieval, and knowledge management. The World Wide Web's emergence in the 1990s expanded their use.

Use cases of semantic network

  1. 1.Natural language processing. Semantic networks are used in natural language processing applications to improve language understanding.
  2. 2.Information retrieval. Semantic networks enhance search engines' capabilities by understanding user queries and the semantic context of documents.
  3. 3.Knowledge representation. Semantic networks are employed as knowledge representation structures in expert systems and artificial intelligence applications.