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Security domain

Security domain

(also cybersecurity domain)

Security domain definition

A security domain is a concept used to categorize and organize access to resources within a specific network or system. It lists all the objects that multiple users or groups can access and manage on a specific network. The purpose of security domains is to enforce security policies, control access permissions, and separate data or resources based on different security requirements. Many organizations, companies, and even government agencies and departments use security domains to separate networks that have different security levels and clearances. For example, you can use it to separate administrator accounts that can do more important tasks and have greater access to resources from regular employee accounts that have restricted access and authorization. Another example of using a security domain can be seen in the U.S. Department of Defense. The DoD uses three security domains to separate data and files into Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret.

See also: domain, internet security

Security domain types

Frameworks and standards. Frameworks and standards provide security teams with a structured path to achieve security.

Application security. Application security includes the security of all the apps that you and other users on your network use to complete tasks.

Risk management. Risk management is a separate security domain that monitors, assesses, and manages the risks that organizations and their users are exposed to.

Governance. Governance involves making decisions about which security policies and protocols an organization will use. It also includes the implementation of the policies and protocols throughout the whole network.

Threat research. Threat research involves collecting and analyzing potential cybersecurity threats and attacks.

Further reading

Ultimate digital security