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Round Robin DNS

(also rotational DNS load balancing)

Round Robin DNS definition

Round Robin DNS (Domain Name System) refers to a load balancing strategy that aims to evenly distribute incoming network traffic across several servers, thereby minimizing the burden on each server and enhancing overall network efficiency. By cyclically altering the sequence of IP addresses linked to a domain name in response to DNS queries, this approach allows clients to connect with various servers whenever they access the domain.

Round Robin DNS examples

  • Web hosting: A website with high traffic volume may use Round Robin DNS to distribute incoming requests among multiple servers to prevent any single server from becoming overwhelmed.
  • Load balancing for application servers: Applications with heavy processing needs can use Round Robin DNS to ensure that requests are evenly distributed among multiple servers to maintain optimal performance.

Comparing Round Robin DNS to other load balancing techniques

Round Robin DNS is a simple and easy-to-implement load balancing method, but it may not be the most efficient or intelligent solution compared to more advanced load balancing techniques, such as least connections or weighted Round Robin algorithms. These advanced methods consider factors like server capacity, connection count, and server response time to make more informed decisions about distributing traffic.

Pros and cons of Round Robin DNS


  • Simplicity: Round Robin DNS is easy to set up and requires minimal configuration.
  • ECost-effective: It does not require specialized hardware or software.


  • Lack of intelligence: Round Robin DNS does not consider server load, capacity, or performance when distributing traffic.
  • Inefficient for failed servers: If a server in the rotation fails, Round Robin DNS will still direct traffic to it, causing connection failures for clients.

Tips for using Round Robin DNS

  • Combine Round Robin DNS with other load balancing techniques to improve efficiency.
  • Regularly monitor server performance and remove failed servers from the DNS rotation.