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Response time

(also server response time, latency)

Response time definition

Response time is the duration required for a server to accept, process, and reply to a request originating from a client, like a user's device or another server. Within the realm of VPNs, response time plays a crucial role in influencing overall performance and user satisfaction. Quicker communication between the client and server, resulting in improved performance, is indicated by a shorter response time. Conversely, a longer response time may lead to reduced connection speeds and heightened latency.

Response time examples

  • Low response time: A user connected to a nearby VPN server with a response time of 10 ms experiences fast connection speeds and minimal latency.
  • High response time: A user connected to a VPN server located far away with a response time of 200 ms may experience slower connection speeds and noticeable latency.

Factors affecting response time

  • Distance: The physical distance between the client and the server can significantly impact response time. The farther away the server is, the longer it takes for data to travel back and forth, resulting in higher response times.
  • Server load: A heavily loaded server with many users connected may have slower response times due to increased processing requirements.
  • Network congestion: High levels of network traffic can lead to congestion, causing slower response times.

Improving response time with NordVPN

  • Choose a server close to your physical location to minimize latency.
  • Use NordVPN's Quick Connect feature to automatically connect to the fastest server available.