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Remote procedure call

Remote procedure call definition

Remote procedure call (RCP) refers to a communication protocol that allows a computer program to execute a procedure (or a function) on a remote system or server. It enables programs running on different computers or operating systems to communicate and collaborate seamlessly.

See also: windows remote management, remote computer, remote access server

How does remote procedure call work?

  1. 1.Client request. The client program makes a request as if it was calling a local function. The client tells the remote computer the name of the specific task it wants to be done, and provides any information or instructions needed to complete the task.
  2. 2.Client stub. The client-side RPC runtime library, known as a stub or client stub, intercepts the procedure call made by the client program. It packages the procedure name and arguments into a message or payload suitable for network transmission.
  3. 3.Network communication. The client stub sends the RPC request message over the network to the server where the requested procedure resides. The message typically travels using a standard network protocol like TCP/IP.
  4. 4.Server stub. On the server side, a server stub intercepts the incoming RPC request message, unpacks it, extracts the procedure name, and passes them to the actual server-side procedure.
  5. 5.Procedure execution. The server-side procedure executes the requested functionality using the provided arguments.
  6. 6.Return response. The server-side procedure returns the result to the server stub.
  7. 7.Network communication. The server stub packages the response into an RPC message and sends it back to the client stub via the network.
  8. 8.Client stub. The client stub receives the response from the server stub, unpacks it, and passes it back to the client program that initially made the RPC request.