Relay server definition
A relay server is a service that simplifies the process of sending emails to several recipients for the user. The relay server is a full-featured mail server that improves the security of email communication by routing messages through an additional server. A specific SMTP service may also be provided in conjunction with the mail service. Many different mail servers exist, such as Microsoft Exchange, IMail by IPSwitch, and Mail Enable by Mail Enable. Microsoft Exchange is one of the more popular options.
Relay server types
Push relay servers. On-premises deployments utilize this method. The UEM control panel loads the relay server with the product or staging data and any applications that came with it. Configuring a public DNS for a push relay server makes it accessible to SaaS users interested in using one and permits the Workspace ONE UEM server to initiate the necessary connection for sending the files. They need to be either Explicit FTPS, FTP, or SFTP. Only pull relay servers can use HTTPS.
Pull relay servers. They monitor the UEM interface and download staged or provisioned content and apps to the FTP home directory when they discovers any. The pull service opens HTTPS to the UEM console, eliminating the necessity for a public connection.
Relay Service Cloud Connector (RSCC). Pulls content from a service endpoint and distributes it to relay servers. This design first establishes an outbound connection from the network to the VMware cloud for content delivery. Additionally, RSCC can be set up to function as a Pull Relay Server. In this setup, the RSCC binary is set up as a Pull Relay, and RSCC is not activated in the Product Provisioning settings.