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Persistent cookie

(also permanent cookie)

Persistent cookie definition

Persistent cookies are small text files on users’ devices that track users’ data for an extended period even if the user logged out of the website or closed their browser. Persistent cookies are a security threat because they gather data like login credentials and browsing history, which hackers use for different malicious activities. Hackers may take advantage of persistent cookies by monitoring a user’s browsing behavior and stealing their login credentials or financial information, which they can then use to commit fraud. They can also employ persistent cookies to make fake login pages for identity theft. Hackers can also utilize permanent cookies to build ad-targeting profiles based on a user’s browsing habits, which they can then sell to third-party marketers without the user’s knowledge.

Prevent persistent cookie attacks

  • Activate incognito mode. Since it removes cookies and browser history once the session is over, incognito mode can stop websites from employing persistent cookies to track your online activity.
  • Use two-factor authentication. Your online accounts can benefit from an additional layer of safety by enabling two-factor authentication, which can help prevent unauthorized access that persistent cookies may provide.
  • Utilize cookie management tools. Online browsers like Google and Firefox come with built-in cookie management features that let you block specific cookie types or only accept cookies from reliable sites.
  • Provide sensitive data only to reliable websites. Enter personal information, such as login passwords or credit card numbers, only on trustworthy websites. They come with a higher degree of security and insurance that cookies won’t misuse your data.