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Parasite Hosting

(also parasitic hosting)

Parasite hosting definition

Parasite hosting in SEO is when someone uses well-known, high-ranking websites to post content and create links that boost their own site's visibility in search results. It's like piggybacking on a popular site to get noticed. The term “parasite hosting” can also mean using someone else's server without permission to gain their search ranking benefits, which is seen as sneaky and unethical.

See also: black hat hacker

How parasite hosting works

Parasite hosting works by taking advantage of popular, high-ranking websites. Here's how it happens.

  1. 1.First, someone finds popular, high-ranking websites that allow users to post content. They create an account on these sites if necessary.
  2. 2.Then, they write and post content — like blog posts or forum entries — and include links back to their own site.
  3. 3.Because these high-ranking websites have good authority, the links help boost their own site's search engine ranking.
  4. 4.Sometimes, they might even exploit security flaws to host their content on someone else's server without permission, using the site's high rank to their advantage.
  5. 5.When people search and find these high-ranking pages, they click on the links and get redirected to the “parasite” site, increasing its traffic and improving its search rank.
  6. 6.Search engines work to detect and stop these practices, but people keep finding new ways to exploit them.

How to prevent parasite hosting

  • Regularly check who links to your site.
  • Keep your website software and plugins up to date.
  • Install plugins that block unauthorized posts.
  • Limit who can post content on your site.
  • Regularly check your site for security issues.
  • Set up alerts for unusual site activity.
  • Train your team on site security and best practices.
  • Secure your site with HTTPS.
  • Regularly look for content you didn’t add.
  • Use CAPTCHA to block automated posts.