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Network bottleneck

Network bottleneck definition

A network bottleneck refers to a situation in which limited capacity or bandwidth constrain the flow of data between two or more devices or components. A bottleneck can occur anywhere in the network, from the network interface card in a computer to the router connecting different network segments. Data bottlenecks can result in reduced network performance and data being delayed or lost.

See also: computer network operations

What causes network bottlenecks:

  • Network congestion. Too much traffic can lead to network congestion and cause data to be delayed or lost.
  • Insufficient bandwidth. Bottlenecks can occur if a device doesn’t have enough bandwidth to handle the traffic.
  • Hardware limitations. Some hardware, such as switches and routers, can have limitations on their capacity to handle traffic.
  • Network software issues. Network protocols or firewalls can cause bottlenecks if they are not configured correctly.
  • Latency. High latency can cause delays in data transmission and can contribute to network bottlenecks.
  • Distance. The physical distance between devices on a network can also contribute to bottlenecks.

How to prevent network bottlenecks:

  • Upgrade software or hardware.
  • Adjust network configuration.
  • Implement Quality of Service policies.