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Home Memory Address Register

Memory Address Register

(also Address Pointer Register)

Memory Address Register definition

MAR, or “Memory Address Register,” is part of a computer’s central processing unit (CPU). CPUs possess memory addresses of data that must be fetched and stored from or to the main memory. The memory address register is essential for data coordination and transfers between the CPU and memory. MAR is applicable in various cybersecurity measures and contributes to the secure handling of various memory resources and guarding systems against potential attacks.

See also: data breach, data corruption

Common memory address register applications

  • Data fetch: MAR holds the data storage address when the CPU returns data from memory for processing.
  • Instruction execution: During the program execution, MAR helps the CPU access the correct location to fetch instructions or particular data required for processing.
  • Memory isolation: As far as cybersecurity is concerned, MAR plays a role in memory isolation techniques. It ensures that applications or processes can’t access memory locations outside their allocated space, preventing data leakage and unauthorized access.
  • Data wiping: In legitimate data wiping tools, a memory address register facilitates the CPU by providing memory addresses of a particular data to be overwritten. The addresses can be overwritten numerous times to ensure sensitive data elimination without a chance to recover.
  • Data encryption: During encryption processes, MAR assists in locating encryption key addresses, ciphertext, or other crucial data and ensures that data is processed securely and stored in memory.