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Home Interior gateway protocol

Interior gateway protocol

(also biometric spoof attack, presentation attack)

Interior gateway protocol definition

An interior gateway protocol is a type of routing protocol used within an autonomous system (a network or group of networks under a single administrative domain) to exchange routing information between gateways (typically routers).

See also: cyberattack, routing information protocol, OSPF

Types of interior gateway protocols

  • Distance-vector routing protocols: In distance-vector routing protocols, each router computes the distance between itself and each possible destination and regularly shares its routing tables with its neighbors (and accordingly updates its tables based on the information received).
  • Link-state routing protocols: In link-state routing protocols, routers share information about their neighbors with all other routers in the network. Unlike distance-vector routing protocols, link-state routing protocols only require sharing information when a change in the network occurs.

Examples of interior gateway protocols

  • Routing Information Protocol (RIP): RIP is one of the oldest interior gateway protocols in use today. RIP is a distance-vector routing protocol that works based on a hop count metric, with each hop representing a network segment.
  • Open Shortest Path First (OSPF): OSPF is a link-state protocol that calculates the shortest path to a destination based on such metrics as link bandwidth, delay, and reliability. OSPF is more scalable and offers faster convergence than RIP, which means it can be used on larger networks.
  • Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS): IS-IS is a link-state protocol that has its roots in the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) networking model. IS-IS offers scalability and fast convergence, making it suitable for large networks.