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HTML tag

(HyperText Markup Language tag)

HTML tag definition

HTML tag is a string of text that specifies how content should be displayed in a web browser. Tags are the backbone of HTML and serve as directions for the web's visual content. HTML tags remain fundamental to the structure of most modern websites. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is one language that was developed off of HTML's foundation – it simplifies the process of designing a website's overall visual aesthetic by allowing for more centralized control over elements like fonts, colors, and layout. The HTML language has a wide variety of tags needed for citing sources, creating tables, and defining titles. The opening and closing tags for a block of code, text, or other tags in HTML are the tag name encased in angle brackets. An opening tag will have the name followed by one or more characteristics, and a closing tag will have the name followed by a forward slash (“/”).

Types of HTML tags:

  • Basic tag (head tag, title tag, body tag, paragraph tag, heading tag)
  • Formatting tag (bold tag, italic tag, underline tag)
  • Link tag
  • List tag
  • Image tag
  • Table tag

Advantages of HTML:

  • It can make basic, static websites.
  • It provides the framework for a website, while CSS adds the visual flair.
  • Web developers will find HTML easy to learn and implement.
  • It is supported by every browser.

Disadvantages of HTML:

  • Complex coding makes HTML hard to read.
  • PHP and Java are needed for dynamic web pages and apps.
  • A simple webpage requires a lot of code.
  • HTML alone cannot create attractive web pages.
  • It loads slowly.