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HTML Injection

(also Cross-Site Scripting, XSS)

HTML Injection definition

HTML Injection is a cyberattack where hackers insert malicious code into a web page's input fields, comments, or other user-controllable sections. This code is then displayed on the page, tricking users into interacting with it unsuspectingly.

In simpler terms, HTML Injection is like sneaking harmful content into a website, making it appear legitimate, and deceiving users into taking actions they didn't intend to.

See also: Code injection, Command injection, JSONP injection

The history of HTML Injection

It goes back to the early days of the internet when websites started allowing user-generated content. As web development became more popular, cyber attackers saw opportunities to exploit this new feature.

In the late 1990s, hackers began injecting malicious code into web pages' input fields and comments. When unsuspecting users visited these pages, the harmful code would run on their browsers, causing trouble.

As security researchers became aware of this threat, they started working on ways to protect websites from HTML Injection attacks. They developed techniques like input validation and output encoding to prevent malicious code from executing on web pages.

Today, HTML Injection remains a significant cybersecurity concern. Website owners and developers continue to collaborate to stay one step ahead of attackers.