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(also motivational design)

Gamification definition

Gamification incorporates game elements and mechanics into environments like websites, apps, online communities, business intranets, and learning management systems to boost participation. Gamification aims to engage with employees, users, consumers, or partners by making it fun for them to interact with the systems in question.

How gamification works

  • Gamification adds game dynamics and mechanics to non-game environments (like online platforms) that provide audiences with feedback and proactive directives.
  • These game elements make the platform more interactive. For example, users or employees may receive immediate feedback on their performance (like a message saying they’re on a three-day activity streak) to incentivize their engagement. They may also be provided guided steps toward their next achievement.

Pros of gamification

  • People enjoy games, so gamification makes a non-game or everyday environment more engaging.
  • A well-executed gamification program can boost participation by tapping into the user’s emotions.
  • Gamification provides instant feedback, showing participants their progress and motivating them to keep going.
  • In businesses, gamification can help the organization achieve its goals and objectives.

Cons of gamification

  • Gamification requires a clear and carefully planned strategy.
  • The motivational design may be more expensive to develop than the traditional design.
  • The gamification strategy chosen in the moment may become outdated as new ways to gamify systems are developed.