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Fiber optic switch

(also optical switch)

Fiber optic switch definition

A fiber optic switch is a gadget (a physical device) that transmits signals and data via optic cables and modules. It works by automating the signal and data transfers and allowing them to travel from one optical fiber to another. So, no one has to move fibers manually, which is not the case with other types of switches. Fiber optic switches are much faster, more reliable, and more efficient than traditional (copper) switches. And that’s why many large companies and organizations prefer them over other alternatives. Individuals and companies can also use a fiber optic switch in their computer networks. More specifically, they can use it as a device that sends and receives data and decides where each data packet goes. So, a fiber optic switch does the same things that old-fashioned switches do but with more speed and bandwidth.

See also: virtual switch, digital switch

Fiber optic switch advantages

  • Many use cases. A wide array of apps can use fiber optic switches to improve their performance. Some apps and systems that can benefit from using a fiber optic switch include phone systems, TV networks, computer networks, and more.
  • Better organization. A fiber optic switch can eliminate network congestion and avoid signal overloads. Also, it comes with more bandwidth, meaning that the number of signals you can transmit is not limited like it was before.