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Embedded operating system

(also embedded OS)

Embedded operating system definition

An embedded operating system is a specialized type of operating system designed to manage embedded systems (computer systems combining hardware and software to perform specific functions only). Unlike general-purpose operating systems, embedded operating systems are tailored to the specific requirements of the device they serve.

See also: embedded software, internet of bodies, internet of everything, internet of medical things

Types of embedded operating systems

  • Single system control loops only have control over a single measured variable — for example, a smart thermostat. The user sets the desired value of the variable and the system makes decisions in relation to that variable based on the data it receives from sensors.
  • A multi-tasking operating system is responsible for several functions at the same time. These embedded operating systems prioritize tasks based on installed algorithms that weigh the device’s current needs.
  • Real-time operating systems need to process inputs within very strict time limits (usually as soon as they are received). Real-time operating systems are typically used when the timely execution of the function is of critical importance to other systems.
  • Rate monotonic operating systems make use of a special task scheduling method known as “rate monotonic scheduling.” This method prioritizes tasks that take the least amount of time.

Uses for embedded operating systems

  • Various systems in your car, such as automotive control systems and engine management systems.
  • Industrial automation solutions like robots, programmable logic controllers, and other machinery.
  • Smart consumer electronics like Smart TVs and Internet of Things devices.
  • Medical imaging equipment, patient monitoring devices, and other medical machinery.