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(also Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)

EIGRP definition

The Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) is a sophisticated distance-vector routing protocol employed in computer networks to facilitate the dynamic sharing of routing data among routers. Created by Cisco Systems, EIGRP allows routers to swiftly adjust to network alterations and identify the optimal route for data transfer. EIGRP is compatible with a range of network layer protocols, including IPv6, and accommodates various network topologies like point-to-point, hub-and-spoke, and mesh configurations.

EIGRP examples

  • EIGRP for IPv4: EIGRP can be used to route IPv4 packets within an autonomous system, allowing for efficient data transmission across the network.
  • EIGRP for IPv6: EIGRP is also compatible with the IPv6 protocol, ensuring seamless integration with modern network infrastructures.

Comparing EIGRP to other routing protocols

EIGRP is often compared to Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) and the Routing Information Protocol (RIP). While RIP is an older, less efficient protocol, OSPF is a link-state protocol that offers similar performance as EIGRP. However, EIGRP's main advantage is its faster convergence time, which allows the network to recover quickly after a topology change.

Pros and cons of EIGRP


  • Fast convergence time.
  • Scalability.
  • Supports multiple network topologies.
  • Compatible with IP and IPv6..


  • Cisco proprietary protocol, limiting some features to Cisco devices.
  • More complex configuration compared to RIP.

Tips for using EIGRP

  • Ensure proper network design to maximize EIGRP's efficiency.
  • Opt for OSPF if interoperability between different vendors' equipment is required.