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Home Dynamic DNS

Dynamic DNS

(also DDNS)

Dynamic DNS definition

Dynamic DNS is a service that automatically updates DNS servers’ records in real time. Websites used to have dedicated IP addresses that rarely changed. As ISPs started assigning IP addresses dynamically because of global IP chortage, websites had to either pay to have a static IP address or figure out a way to keep their DNS records up to date. That's where the dynamic DNS system came into play.

Dynamic DNS advantages

  • You won’t have to manually update your DNS record each time your IP address changes. This eliminates the risks of human error.
  • The automatic system saves time and allows your network administrators to work on other issues.
  • In the long run, using a Dynamic DNS system is cheaper than having a static DNS.

How dynamic DNS works

  1. 1.Users who want their DNS record to be updated automatically install special software on their computer or router.
  2. 2.The software notifies the dynamic DNS service provider every time the IP address is updated.
  3. 3.The dynamic DNS provider updates the DNS server record almost instantly.