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Home DNS firewall

DNS firewall

(also domain name system firewall)

DNS firewall definition

A DNS firewall is a protection measure that filters and controls DNS traffic to prevent users on a specific DNS network from accessing malicious or unwanted websites or resources. It utilizes various techniques such as threat intelligence and DNS response policies to block or redirect access to known malicious locations, enhancing network security and protecting against potential threats. It works by using DNS response policy zones and threat intelligence to prevent entering malicious sites that can steal data or infect a device with malware, or both. A DNS firewall can be integrated into advanced network security solutions that help separate already-infected devices from the rest of the devices on the network so that the infected one can be fixed and doesn’t corrupt all the others.

See also: firewall, botnet

Threats that a DNS firewall can prevent

  • Adware – a type of malware that enables attackers to send ads in intrusive ways.
  • Phishing – a type of attack that can steal sensitive data and infect devices with malware.
  • Spyware – another type of malware that attackers install on devices to steal data.
  • IP hijacking – a cyberattack that allows the attacker to read and change transmitted data packets and send their own requests.
  • Ransomware – a cyberattack via which attackers can encrypt devices and deny access to them.
  • Botnet – it can be used to conduct DDoS attacks, send spam, and steal data.