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Data mirroring

Data mirroring definition

Data mirroring is a replication technique. Information is continuously copied in real-time to multiple storage devices, creating a backup. This technique is essential for keeping data available and secure. However it does require additional system resources. So, data mirroring usually impacts performance, and increases costs.

Technical specifics of data mirroring:

  • Purpose. The main aim of data mirroring is to create a backup copy. If hardware or systems fail, the backup protects against information loss.
  • Replication. Data mirroring ensures that any data written to the primary storage is instantly replicated to the secondary storage. It’s to ensure identical copies of data at all times.
  • Types of storage used. Data is copied across different storage devices like hard disks, solid-state drives, or network-attached storage. It depends on the needs and setup of the system.
  • Redundancy. This is crucial for backup and disaster recovery strategies. Sata mirroring reduces the risk of losing data due to hardware issues.
  • Performance and reliability. Data mirroring improves system reliability but might affect performance. Continuously copying data requires extra system resources. This slows down data processing, especially in systems handling large amounts of data.
  • Keeping data in sync. It’s important that the original and mirrored information is exactly the same. This requires robust systems for tracking and updating changes in the data.
  • Usage. Data mirroring is usually used in corporate data centers, cloud storage, and in critical sectors like finance and healthcare. Losing data here can have serious repercussions.
  • Cost. Data mirroring leads to additional costs. Mirroring needs more storage space, more complex hardware or software.
  • Recovery and switching. In a mirrored setup, if the primary storage fails, the system can switch to the mirrored storage. This minimizes downtime and maintains continuous operations.