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Data binding

Data binding definition

Data binding is a way to connect an app's user interface (UI) with its data. It keeps the UI updated with the latest data automatically, making it easier to manage changes in the app.

See also: graphical user interface, application management

Data binding types

  • One-way data binding. Here, the UI gets updated from the data, but if a user changes something in the UI, it doesn't change the data. It's used for showing read-only information like a product's name on a shopping site.
  • Two-way data binding. Two-way data binding allows for data to flow in both directions. Changes in the UI immediately update the data, and data changes update the UI. It's useful for forms and interactive elements, like the delivery address field.

How data binding works

  1. 1.First, the developer defines the data sources. These could be simple variables, objects, or more complex data structures.
  2. 2.Then, the developer links UI elements to these data sources. For example, a text field in a UI might be bound to a database in the app's model. This binding tells the app to keep the UI and data in sync.
  3. 3.The data binding mechanism watches for any changes in the data source. When a change occurs, the UI automatically updates to reflect it. For example, if the user's name changes in the database, all UI elements bound it will update to show the new name.
  4. 4.In the case of two-way data binding, the system also watches for changes in the UI, like a user input in a form field. For example, if a user enters a new contact address, the system updates the bound data source with the new value.
  5. 5.The app automatically shows the latest data in the UI, making sure it's always up to date.