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Cybersecurity mesh

Cybersecurity mesh definition

A cybersecurity mesh is an adaptable approach to cybersecurity, focusing on creating a more flexible and interconnected security infrastructure. It differs from a traditional cybersecurity approach, where organizations rely on fixed security, like firewalls and access controls. A cybersecurity mesh aims to protect data and other digital assets in a distributed and dynamic environment and is designed to adapt to the evolving cyber threat landscape.

See also: cyberattack

Cybersecurity mesh in practice

  • Zero trust architecture. A cybersecurity mesh incorporates a zero-trust approach, meaning resource access is based on frequent authentication and authorization rather than relying on network parameters only.
  • Device-centric security. Security measures are implemented directly on individual devices. For example, each device has security controls (like encryption) instead of relying on network firewalls.
  • Interconnected security tools. In cybersecurity mesh, the integration and interconnectedness of security tools and systems are key.
  • Cloud and edge security. A cybersecurity mesh extends security measures to cloud services and edge computing. It ensures that data and apps hosted in the cloud or on edge devices are protected with appropriate security measures.
  • Dynamic threat response. A cybersecurity mesh monitors and analyzes network traffic, user behavior, and system logs to enable dynamic threat response.

Advantages of a cybersecurity mesh

  • Distributed protection
  • Flexibility and scalability
  • Adaptive to the cyber threat landscape
  • Improved threat detection
  • Quicker, dynamic response to threats