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Cryptographic key

Cryptographic key definition

A cryptographic key is a piece of information that is used in combination with an algorithm to transform plaintext into ciphertext (encrypted text) or vice versa. The key is an essential part of a cryptographic system and is used to secure communication or to verify the authenticity of a message. There are two main types of cryptographic keys: symmetric keys and asymmetric keys. Both types of keys are important in modern cryptography and play a vital role in securing communication and protecting sensitive information.

Symmetric keys

Symmetric keys are used in symmetric-key algorithms, which use the same key for encryption and decryption. These algorithms are fast and efficient, but they require that both the sender and the receiver have a copy of the key, which can be a security risk if the key is intercepted or stolen.

Asymmetric keys

Asymmetric keys are used in public-key algorithms. These algorithms use a pair of keys, one for encryption and one for decryption. The encryption key, called the public key, is made available to anyone who needs to send a message to the owner of the key pair. The decryption key, also called the private key, is kept secret by the owner and is used to decrypt messages that have been encrypted with the corresponding public key.

Which encryption method is better?

Using symmetric keys is generally considered to be a faster encryption method. However, they are not as safe as public-key algorithms because the keys can be intercepted or stolen during communication.

Asymmetric keys offer a higher level of security because one key always remains private, but they are considerably slower than current symmetric key encryption methods.

Which encryption method is better depends on the situation in which it is used. Public-key algorithms are preferable in online banking and other online financial transactions, while symmetric-key is better for real-time communication and when there’s a need to encrypt large amounts of data.